Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

LightWaterLife strives to be a company that makes an impact on society through the products we create and how we conduct business. Whether developing innovative aid products, minimizing the environmental impact of our global supply chain, or assisting communities in need, LightWaterLife seeks to be a responsible company and community partner. As part of our effort to embody this ideal, we have developed an approach to conducting business that seeks to uphold the following principles and responsibilities of good corporate citizenship.

Respect for the Individual

LightWaterLife’s relationships with its employees, customers, suppliers, and business partners are guided by the philosophy of “Respect for the Individual.” This philosophy leads us to value and respect the unique contributions of each individual.

LightWaterLife seeks to create an environment in which each employee’s ambitions and abilities can be developed, as well as a workplace where an individual’s potential can be actively realized. Accordingly, we are committed to ensuring that each person involved in the development, production, distribution, sale, and service of our products is treated with dignity and respect, and has a meaningful opportunity to contribute to the company’s success.

Human Rights

The respect for human rights is an extension of our philosophy of “Respect for the Individual,” which centers on initiative, equality, and trust. As part of our effort to conduct business in an ethical manner, LightWaterLife will not engage in business practices or activities that compromise fundamental human rights.

Working Conditions

LightWaterLife is committed to ensuring that the individuals building our products and providing services to our company are afforded responsible working conditions, and are treated with dignity and respect.

Child Labor
We shall not hire children who do not reach the legal age for work in each country and region we operate and service our customers.

Forced Labor
No form of human trafficking, forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labor, slavery, or trafficking of persons will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring, or receiving persons by means of threat, force, coercion, deception, abduction, or fraud for labor services.

Compensation and Working Hours
Wages, including overtime and benefits, shall comply with local law, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours, and legally mandated benefits. Working hours shall comply with applicable local laws.

Harassment and Discrimination
LightWaterLife will ensure that there is no harsh or inhumane treatment or threat of such treatment in the workplace. LightWaterLife does not tolerate discrimination in any form based on characteristics such as race, color, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, military veteran status, educational background, economic status, or any other status protected by law.

Freedom of Association
We encourage open communication with management regarding working conditions without fear of reprisal, intimidation, or harassment. We believe that maintaining an environment for dialogue between employees and management will deepen free, open-minded, and two-way communication, making it possible to build a stronger relationship of mutual trust.

Health & Safety
Employees shall have a safe and healthy working environment that meets or exceeds applicable standards for occupational safety and health.

Business Ethics and Compliance

Trust is a critical foundation of a successful and sustainable business. We have worked diligently to foster trusting relationships among LightWaterLife and its customers, suppliers, and business partners. To maintain a high degree of trust with all stakeholders, it is, therefore, a core responsibility of all LightWaterLife employees to conduct business in an open, honest, and ethical manner, and to follow the company’s code of ethics in all their business practices. This includes upholding all laws in the places where we do business.

Responsible Sourcing of Materials: LightWaterLife does not knowingly provide products containing raw materials that contribute to human rights abuses, bribery, and ethics violations or negatively affect the environment. To support this effort, LightWaterLife will continue to conduct due diligence within our supply chain to understand the source of raw materials within our products to ensure responsible and ethical sourcing.

Anti-Corruption: LightWaterLife has zero tolerance for all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion, or embezzlement.

Privacy: We take appropriate measures to respect privacy, to protect personal data against loss and unauthorized access or use, and to comply with relevant privacy and information security laws and regulations.

Financial Responsibility/Accurate Records: All business dealings are transparently performed and accurately reflected on the company’s financial reports and filings.

Disclosure of Information: LightWaterLife discloses financial and non-financial information in accordance with applicable regulations and prevailing industry practices.

Fair Competition/Anti-Trust: LightWaterLife upholds standards of fair business and conducts business in accordance with all applicable anti-trust or anti-competition laws and regulations.

Conflicts of Interest: LightWaterLife conducts business in a manner that avoids any appearance of impropriety.

Intellectual Property: We respect valid intellectual property rights and use commercially reasonable practices to protect the transfer of confidential technology and know-how.

Export Controls and Economic Sanctions: LightWaterLife complies with applicable restrictions on the export or re-export of goods, software, services, and technology, as well as with applicable restrictions on trade involving certain countries, regions, companies or entities, and individuals.

Protection of Identity and Non-Retaliation: LightWaterLife has established processes that allow concerns to be raised anonymously with confidentiality and without retaliation.

Environmental Stewardship

LightWaterLifee shall pursue our daily business interest under the following principles:

We will make efforts to recycle materials and conserve resources and energy at every stage of our products’ life cycle—from research, design, production, and sales to services and disposal.

We will make every effort to minimize and find appropriate methods to dispose of waste and contaminants that are produced through the use of our products, and in every stage of the life cycle of these products.

As both a member of the company and of society, each employee will focus on the importance of making efforts to preserve human health and the global environment, and will do their part to ensure that the company as a whole acts responsibly.

We will consider the influence that our corporate activities have on the local environment and society, and endeavor to improve the social standing of the company. LightWaterLife shall comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which we operate.

Human Dignity

At LightWaterLife, we honor the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender identity or expression, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, pregnancy, disability, military status, genetic information, marital status or any other status protected by law.

LightWaterLife provides equal opportunities to people regardless of their personal attributes and encourages them to respect each other’s individual differences and talents while exerting their own abilities to the fullest, based on our fundamental belief of Respect for the Individual.

The Company regards these individual differences demonstrated by its workforce as one of its strengths in responding to the ever-changing business environment.

LightWaterLife aims to serve as a positive force to promote mutual respect throughout all aspects of our operations and our supply base. We will continue to support programs and initiatives that help foster and maintain diverse traditions, heritages, and experience in the workplace and throughout society.

Community Involvement

Beyond creating jobs at the facilities we establish, we recognize the responsibility to act responsibly and constructively as a member of these communities. Through a broad range of community initiatives, charitable giving, and volunteerism, LightWaterLife seeks to create value for society and bring joy to people’s lives. LightWaterLife will seek to support programs aimed at advancing education and creating experiences for young people from underserved communities to achieve their dreams. We are proud of the many partnerships we have established with non-profit organizations that share our value of community involvement.

Commitment to Principles

In adhering to the above principles, LightWaterLife seeks to communicate its commitment to its customers, employees, suppliers, other business partners, and to the communities in which we live and work. Further, we expect that any party conducting business with LightWaterLife will embrace and uphold these principles to the best of their ability.